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Desiring to become famous by performing a death-defying feat, a crippled conjuror falls prey to a rogue’s plot against the son of King George.

Beck & Branch Publlishers logo
Cover of Historical Fiction The Bottle Conjuror based on true events London 1749

Beck & Branch Publishers


London - 1749

Advertisements were placed throughout London describing impossible feats of conjuring to be performed at the renowned Haymarket Theatre. 

In attendance were men and ladies of title, upper-class patrons, and nefarious denizens of England.

The events that unfolded that night, became a powerful criticism of the Age of Enlightenment.

Advertisement Bottle Conjuror Performance Hay-Market Theatre 1749
Illustration Wine Merchant opening bottle of wine 18th Century


"I've been reading The Bottle Conjuror, and it's quite a ride! The plot is fabulous, the book is beautifully written, and the historical details of 18th-century London are fascinating throughout. How can I have been drawn in by the possibility of a human disappearing into a wine bottle? Preposterous, yet I kept imagining it, kept thinking it was going to happen. As with any great book, the magic is in the prose."

John Thorndike, author of Another Way Home

   "The borderline between good and evil


    is as fine as a spider's web.”

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